
serviceFrom October 8 through 10, the Psi Chapter held their first philanthropy event of the year to benefit Clear Path for Veterans, an organization based in the Syracuse area that provides programs to aid America’s war veterans with physical and mental injuries.  Named Cornhole!, the event offered members of the Hamilton community a chance to win prizes by tossing a beanbag into a hole approximately 15 feet away.  With almost all of the prizes donated by local businesses, items included free movie tickets, coupons, chipotle burritos, and others.  The event turned out to be a success and raised a total of $1302.  With the Psi Chapter’s Alumni Association offering to match the money raised up to $1000, the total contributions to Clear Path for Veterans will total $2302 for the first event of the academic year.  The event was organized by Chris Jusuf (’15) and operated with the assistance of all the brothers and the then-pledges.  The Psi Chapter looks forward to hosting more philanthropy events throughout the year.

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