Psi News

Psi Chapter Updates – Fall 2017

Pledge Tables

Psi Pledge Tables

Every fall, new members of the Psi chapter spend the bizz week pledge period learning the history and traditions we are expected to uphold as brothers of Psi U. One of these traditions is the creation of the custom tables shown in the photo. In addition to showing off their artistic prowess, the new members are able to gain an understanding of the heraldry of our chapter through the creation of these tables each year.


Psi Leadership Summit

In August ’17, Psi Alumni President Pat Gilrane ’83 hosted former and current Archons Matt Foos ’18 and Jack Senneff ’19 at the Princeton Club in NYC. The dinner was a great opportunity for Psi leadership to discuss the upcoming year and plan for the September kickoff meeting, November Career Day, and March Traditions Day.

Pie a Psi and Hanging with Ted Fundraisers

The brothers of the Psi chapter contributed to a successful fall philanthropy initiative. Pie a Psi ’17 offered members of the Hamilton community a chance to pie brothers in the face and contribute to a great cause. This year’s event raised $1,000 to support hurricane relief in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Psi U gained the attention of new Dean of Students, Terry Martinez, who thanked the chapter for its efforts and tweeted the attached photo.

The Psi also conducted a phone-a-thon fundraiser through our generous alums leading up to the Hanging With Ted event in January ’18. The event will be held in honor of our late brother Ted Barrett ’14, and all proceeds will benefit the Shatterproof organization battling the substance abuse and addiction epidemic. Please contact Petey Michailidis ’16 for more details on the event. Thank you to all of the Psi alums who made donations!


Brother Gilrane Awarded Distinguished Alumni Service Award

The Psi Chapter congratulates Pat Gilrane ’83 for winning the Distinguished Alumni Service Award from Psi U National. Gil was presented the award at the Psi U Convention July ’17 in Indianapolis. Excerpted from the national Psi U website:

Patrick Gilrane has been the Alumni President for the Psi chapter for the past decade- helping to develop it into the positive force it is today. However, his effect on the Psi chapter has been felt since 1987 when he joined the Psi Chapter Board of Trustees. He was a pivotal force in orchestrating the return, and eventual surge, of alumni participation with the Psi chapter giving it one of the most vibrant alumni networks in the country. The current brothers enjoy his campus visits throughout the year, where he learns about every undergraduate, and loudly champion his influence on their career mentor program.

Matthew Foos, Psi ’18, Archon, said, “He knows each and every one of us undergrads on a personal level, and is there for us through the good and the bad. He is a true family man, and family, for Gil, includes generations of Psi brethren.”

You can read the full writeup here.

Thank you Gil!

Psi News

Psi Raises $3,000 for Suicide Prevention

The 2016-2017 academic year has been a great success for the Psi chapter as we continue to embrace the ideals of moral leadership, intellectual engagement, and service. The Psi philanthropy initiative, led by Matt Story ’18 and Adam Yecies ’18, raised over $3,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention with the help of a very generous co-match by Psi alums. Our annual Psi U cornhole fundraiser gained special attention on campus, as Hamilton College President David Wippman made a guest appearance—sinking all three of his beanbag shots, winning a Chipotle burrito prize, and taking a memorable photo with the Psi chapter.

Psi News

Psi Thanks Becker for Display Case Donations

Mahogony Psi EmblemIn April, Psi Archon Matt Foos ’18 joined Alumni President Pat Gilrane ’83 and Dave Holgate ’83 for a trip to visit Psi legend Jeb Becker ’61. The bros grabbed a few beers at Jeb’s favorite bar in Seneca Falls. The Psi chapter gives special thanks to Jeb for his donations to the display case project, including a mahogany emblem made by Vough Piano Company and given to his grandfather—Psi class of 1903.

Psi News

Psi Hosts 3rd Alumni Traditions Workshop

In March, the Psi hosted the third annual Alumni Traditions Workshop, inviting alums back to the hill to revive and celebrate old traditions. Headlining the event was the Psi Archive Display Case Project, spearheaded by Aaron Cannon ’18 and Mark Sperry ‘17. The project is the result of a yearlong effort to collect historic Psi artifacts and display them in a memorabilia case constructed within the foyer of the old chapter house. Special thanks to Jim Lent ’83 who donated this historic rendering, and Tom Porter ’80 for participating in Skype discussion with the Psi.

Psi News

Psi Upsilon Cornhole

From October 8 through 10, the Psi Chapter held their first philanthropy event of the year to benefit Clear Path for Veterans, an organization based in the Syracuse area that provides programs to aid America’s war veterans with physical and mental injuries.  From October 8 through 10, the Psi Chapter held their first philanthropy event of the year to benefit Clear Path for Veterans, an organization based in the Syracuse area that provides programs to aid America’s war veterans with physical and mental injuries.  Named Cornhole!, the event offered members of the Hamilton community a chance to win prizes by tossing a beanbag into a hole approximately 15 feet away.  With almost all of the prizes donated by local businesses, items included free movie tickets, coupons, chipotle burritos, and others.  The event turned out to be a success and raised a total of $1302.  With the Psi Chapter’s Alumni Association offering to match the money raised up to $1000, the total contributions to Clear Path for Veterans will total $2302 for the first event of the academic year.  The event was organized by Chris Jusuf (’15) and operated with the assistance of all the brothers and the then-pledges.  The Psi Chapter looks forward to hosting more philanthropy events throughout the year.

Psi News

Seasons Greetings

seasons greetings

Psi News

Pie a Psi Philanthropy Event Raises Money for Clinton FD

On October 29 and November 1 of this year, the Psi chapter hosted their first major philanthropy event of the school year titled “Pie a Psi”. Organized by chapter Philanthropy Chair, Chris Jusuf (’15), Pie a Psi aimed to raise money for the chapter’s community partner, the Clinton Fire Department. On October 29 and November 1 of this year, the Psi chapter hosted their first major philanthropy event of the school year titled “Pie a Psi”. Organized by chapter Philanthropy Chair, Chris Jusuf (’15), Pie a Psi aimed to raise money for the chapter’s community partner, the Clinton Fire Department. The event was based on a simple premise: simple fun, and easy income. For just three dollars for one or five dollars for two, any member of the Hamilton community earned the chance to pie a brother of Psi Upsilon in the face with a whipped cream pie. The demand to be able to do this turned out to be extremely high.

40 bottles of whipped cream, over 300 pies, and many laughs later, the event generated over $650 in profits that would go straight to the fire department. Everyone from students, to staff, to professors and even parents visiting for Parents’ Weekend helped pitch into this event. On top if this money, the alumni of the Psi chapter have agreed to match whatever money was raised, making the total contributions to the Clinton Fire Department over $1,300. “It was a huge success,” said brother Jusuf “I was so surprised with the number of people that came out to support us.” Brother Jusuf looks forward to organizing more philanthropy events in the future, but not before cleaning the whipped cream out of his ears.

Psi News

Psi Upsilon Presents $2500 Check to Clinton Fire Department

During the recent All-Alumni Bicentennial Reunion, brothers of Psi Upsilon presented a check for $2500 to the Clinton Fire Department. In the 1980s the Clinton Fire Department responded to a fire at the fraternity house. Brothers of Psi U never forgot the CFD’s response and wanted to express their gratitude after all these years.During the recent All-Alumni Bicentennial Reunion, brothers of Psi Upsilon presented a check for $2500 to the Clinton Fire Department. In the 1980s the Clinton Fire Department responded to a fire at the fraternity house. Brothers of Psi U never forgot the CFD’s response and wanted to express their gratitude after all these years.